8:15 am Check-In & Networking
8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Innovative R&D Procurement & Sourcing Model to Elevate the Growth Strategy for 2024
9:00 am Optimizing Category Strategy Execution through Data, Digital, & Technology Platforms
- Leveraging advanced data analytics to categorize and prioritize expenditures for more informed decision-making in procurement strategies
- Streamlining and enhancing supplier relationships, fostering collaboration and efficiency for supply chain assurance
- Achieving cost savings through enhanced pricing transparency and transaction efficiencies
9:25 am Strategic Collaboration in Pharma Sourcing: Leveraging Partnerships for Efficient Vendor Oversight
- Are our vendor partnerships effectively leveraged to bring in the right expertise?
- Emphasizing the need for a shift in mindset towards transparency in collaboration, enabling the utilization of expertise efficiently and avoiding redundant efforts
- Showcasing how establishing clear expectations and clarity in defining roles, responsibilities, and deliverables leads to cost mitigation by ensuring that best practices are integrated from the outset
9:50 am Q&A: Delving Deeper Into the Innovative Models Coming to Light in 2024
These focused Q&A Sessions provide you with the unique opportunity to have your burning questions answered in a room full of your peers and move beyond the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ to get to the ‘how’.
10:05 am Presentation Reserved for Scientist.com
10:35 am Speed Networking & Morning Coffee Break
Join us for an exhilarating session of speed networking to kick-start the conference. Connect with industry peers, exchange insights, and forge valuable partnerships in just minutes, accelerating your professional network in the dynamic world of pharmaceutical procurement
Pre-Clinical Track
Raw Materials & Fine Chemicals Procurement for Advanced Pre-Clinical Development
11:35 am Cold Supply Chain – Implementing Real-Time Tracking for Critical Raw Materials
- Real-Time Tracking for Supply Chain Visibility – implementing IoT and cloud solutions to enhance end-to-end visibility
- Agile Management for Rapid Adaptation – adapting supply chain strategies to changes in projects and market demands
- Digital Transformation and Collaboration – leveraging digital technologies and building collaborative partnerships for innovation and efficiency
12:05 pm Panel Discussion: Optimizing Lab Supply Management: Combining Single-Entry Point & Self-Service Laboratories
This panel explores a disruptive approach: How complex biopharmas can implement a single-entry point together with a scientist self-serve model for lab supply needs. Panelists will cover the practical implementation of this innovative approach, exploring its impact on R&D efficiency, research outcomes, and overall productivity. This session is a must-attend for senior procurement professionals in the R&D pharma industry seeking to optimize their operations and empower research teams.
12:35 pm Lunch & Networking
Highlighting Policy & Regulation for Compliant Lab Supplies and Consumables Procurement
1:35 pm Panel Discussion: Prioritizing ESG & Balancing the Need for Sustainability With the Critical Nature of Orders for Laboratory Sites
- What are the challenges when gaining compliance data from external providers?
- How can we navigate sourcing tactics when using on/offshore suppliers to comply with ESG frameworks?
- How do we fostering supplier relationships that contribute to a sustainable supply chain, addressing challenges in implementing green practices across diverse sites?
2:15 pm Round Table Discussions: Navigating the Future of Lab Consumables & Preclinical Toxicology in Pharma Procurement
In this interactive session, you have the opportunity to be part of the conversation. With procurement leaders chairing the discussion, you leave with takeaways on how to make the biggest impact in your organization.
Clinical Track
Spotlighting Clinical Spend & Finance to get More Bounce for the Ounce
11:35 am Optimizing Pharma CRO Engagements: Strategic Management of Spend & Finance
- Discussing the critical factors in the selection of CROs, considering organizational size and project scope
- Unveiling the outcomes of a 12-month project focusing on establishing robust foundations for effective CRO engagements
- Addressing challenges in determining the spend and number of studies to place with a CRO and redefining strategies accordingly
12:05 pm Embracing the “Fail Fast” Approach for Optimal Resource Allocation To Accelerate Clinical Success
- Recognizing non-viable drug candidates at an early stage for swift reallocation of resources to minimize financial risks and avoid wasteful prolonged investments
- Streamlining trial timelines through agility in adapting to trial dynamics and ensuring a faster and more efficient drug development process
- Addressing time efficiency as a business driver for reduced financial burden in clinical trials
12:35 pm Clinical Lunch Hosted by Clinical Maestro
Rethinking Clinical Procurement Strategy with Risk in Mind to Increase Resilience
1:35 pm Panel Discussion: Aligning Stakeholders & Vendor Relationships To Elevate Clinical Operations
- How can we align stakeholders to minimize disruptions and foster operational efficiency?
- What can we do to master vendor relationships for smooth contract execution and timely execution of clinical trials?
- How do we mitigate risks associated with vendors to ensure continued success beyond immediate trial execution?
2:15 pm Strategic Diligence of Suppliers with Compliance in Early Clinical Research without Compromising on Speed
- Addressing the heightened regulatory environment in early clinical research learning lessons from covid
- Exploring alternative pathways that maintain compliance while expediting timelines
- Identifying areas where a risk-tailored approach can replace traditional, time-consuming steps
2:55 pm Afternoon Break & Networking
Optimizing Supplier Base Readiness with Regulations & Highlighting Supplier Consolidation to Future-Proof the Supply Chain
3:25 pm The Independent and Integrated Pharma Organization – How to Path a Way Towards Savings, Controls, and Optimization in an Integrated World
With the world becoming increasingly more integrated, a risk exists for many pharma organizations in becoming too dependent on integrated partners. While integrations are necessary for the scaling of any organization, the challenge of a lack of transparency and decision controls exists that can lead to cost overruns, supply chain fragility, and an overall weakening of the organizations ability to carve its own destiny into the future. Learn how an organization can through technology leverage partners effectively while ensuring that decisions on procurement are made by the right people, essential data can remain within the organization, and a truly unified architectural can deliver future proof solutions for procurement, researchers, operations, and other stakeholders.
3:55 pm Navigating Sourcing Strategy Challenges in a Rapidly Evolving Biotech Landscape
- Delving into the complexities of sourcing strategies in a biotech setting, where rapid changes, budget pressures, and shifting stakeholder dynamics demand a unique approach
- Highlighting specific instances of successful sourcing initiatives, emphasizing the adaptability and creativity required to thrive in the everchanging biotech sector
- Illustrating the practical steps taken to balance the demand for quick results with the necessity of building a sustainable and effective sourcing framework
4:25 pm Procurement in Pharma: Aligning to Executive Vision to Deliver Strategic Results
Join us at our panel discussion, moderated by Elizabeth Iorns, Ph.D., CEO and Co-Founder of Science Exchange, to dive into a discussion on what executives at biopharma and key strategic suppliers need from procurement to deliver on their objectives. Our panelists include Mark Currie, Ph.D., Iaso Ventures Partner, Ironwood Board of Directors; Mitch Coyne, Chief Commercial Officer at BioIVT; and Bill Pierce, Chief Information Officer at BioIVT. Together, they will explore how procurement strategies are perceived at the executive level and how procurement can align with and facilitate the core objectives of driving groundbreaking R&D to deliver new transformative therapeutics.
Key discussion points will include:
- The evolving purpose of procurement from a mere cost center to a strategic business enabler for scientists
- The shifting perceptions of procurement roles from traditional control functions to transformative business influencers
- Future trends in procurement, such as workforce reduction, increased automation, and a stronger emphasis on technology
Practical insights on how procurement can foster strong supplier relationships and drive efficiency without compromising on cost or quality. This session promises to provide valuable insights into making procurement a pivotal part of achieving strategic R&D goals in the rapidly changing pharma industry.